Home Network Setup
11-17-2021 Written by: ott3r

This will be a multi-part series explaining how I set up my home network as shown above. Serials will likely be broken down as follows.
- Getting basic network up and running. Will include setting up the ATT gateway to be used with pfSense firewall, Netgear switch, and Nighthawk router in access point mode
- Installing Suricata inside pfSense as an IDS
- Setting up Raspberry Pi to host Graylog, Elasticsearch, and Grafana for data visualizations
- Tweaking settings inside pfSense and Graylog server to pull IDS logs
- Setting up Grafana dashboard for IDS visualization
As this progresses there might be a few pieces I missed. As they are released I will link blog posts to this article.
That's it for now. Stay tuned for part one coming up in the next few days.
- ott3r